Localization options

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Localization is an important aspect of software development, as it allows users to view and interact with your application in their preferred language and format. In this blog post, we'll be discussing some exciting new localization features that have recently been added to TimeTagger. All features below can be set in the settings dialog accessible via the menu.
One of the most requested features has been the ability to set the first day of the week. Many countries and regions have different conventions for what day of the week is considered the start of the week, and our users have been asking for the ability to customize this in our application. We're happy to announce that this feature is now available, and users can easily set the first day of the week to match their own preferences.
Another feature that we've added is the ability to display durations in a more user-friendly format. Instead of displaying a duration of two hours and 30 minutes as "02:30", TimeTagger can now display them as "2h30m". This is also the new default. This makes it easier for users to quickly distinguish between times and durations.
In addition to these features, we've also added support for AM/PM time notation. This feature was long overlooked because I'm from Europe myself, but it is a common way of displaying the time of day in e.g. the US. With AM/PM time notation, these users can read times without having to do the conversion in their heads.
Finally, we've added a new feature called the "day snap offset", which is especially useful for late-night workers. The day snap offset allows users to specify a custom time at which the current day ends and the next day begins. For example, a user who commonly works from 23:00 to 02:00 in the night, might set the offset to 04:00, so that their schedule is correctly aligned with their work hours. This helps to avoid confusion and makes it easier for users to manage their time and schedule. Note that this feature applies to the snapping of the timeline; it does not affect day boundaries in e.g. the report.
Overall, these new localization features are a welcome addition to our application, and we hope that they will make it easier and more convenient for our users to view and interact with the application in their preferred language and format.